On Saturday June 4th 2011 at the Bukit Kiara sports annex, about 40 children from the HASH section and members of the club were given an introduction to hockey by the hockey section members. The idea to conduct this for kids under 12 years was mooted by the HASH section and after discussion and planning by the 2 sports section convenors, the Hockey section agreed to conduct this as a section initiative and development programme. As a run up to this session, the Hash section kids earlier had a junior run in the vicinity of Bukit Kiara/Taman Tun
After the initial briefing, the children, were divided into four groups for the respective coaches to teach them the drills. They were taught the basics on how to hold the hockey stick, stance for hitting, pushing and stopping, hitting technique, stopping the ball, dragging and running with the ball, and dribbling. It was observed that although the kids were first timers, there were a few who had it in them to take up the sport seriously. All that is needed now is constant practice, proper training and right guidance.
The children were eager beavers and when the hockey sticks were brought out for them, they were seen scrambling for the hockey sticks. As for some of the younger kids, since they were smaller and shorter, and not to be outdone, they brought along their own junior hockey sticks. One such interested kid was Aaron. Though only 4, he was seen running around with the junior hockey stick under the arm and wanting to do the drill over and over again. There was this incident when he went off for a drink and returned to find his coach nowhere around. He then went looking for his coach (Simon See) and called him back to teach him the drill again. It was as if he was saying “ I am back and you be with me!!! “ But poor Aaron, for all his chagrin and efforts, he had to end up with a swollen lip, no thanks to a minor incident which resulted when he was accidentally hit on the lips. Then there were 2 boys (sons of Siva). So long as their father was there they were not interested. Once Siva went off, they were seen doing the drills with gusto. So Siva next time, please leave them on their own….!!! There was another kid, Gareth Davies, who caught the eye with his ability to do the drills easily. He looks a natural and has cool composure when with the ball. Definitely a prospect.
On the other side of the pitch, were a group of girls being taught the basics like dragging and running with the ball. This group was under the guidance of former national players Stephen Van Huizen and Colin Sta Maria. From the looks of it there was fun in this activity because as the drills went on, some excited mothers of the kids also joined in to get a feel of it. Yet in a further section of the field were a group of children (9-12 years) learning the basics from St. John Davies and Sambu, also ex-national players. Here, they were taught the basic drills on pushing and learning how to tackle. From around the pitch we could hear the clatter of hockey sticks clashing and this showed that this activity was in high tempo and was definitely a robust activity and the kids loved it. To make it safe, control is the key word and the coaches definitely did enforce the rule.
And as the mood of the participants were coming to a low, the organizers decided to end the sessions. The whole activity ended at about 6.30p.m with the children having a group photograph with the hockey section members and coaches. The children were then feted to some food and most, if not all, left feeling satisfied that such a programme was initiated. Among the hockey section members present were James Sia (Convenor), Terence R, Simon See, Sambu, Colin Sta Maria, Stephen Van Huizen, St John Davies, Oommen, Ramesh, Siva, Siew Heng, James Andrew and Aiman. The section wishes to thank them for their support and assistance in conducting this initiative.
The hockey section would also like to thank the Hash section convenor K Ganesan and Junior Hash Tillia Thong for initiating the programme and working with the hockey section committee to see this through.
It is really heartening to see our former ex-Olympians such as Stephen Van Huizen, Colin Sta Maria and Sambu plus the likes of ex-internationals St John Davies and Teh Siew Heng making efforts to come to programmes like this and teach the young children. If the thought of being coached by an ex-Olympian or ex-international does not ruffle their feathers and give them pride then the children should at least savour the time spent with these “stars” because the number of Olympians is dwindling. It is on these efforts that a seed is planted and from this a future star may be born. The hockey section is blessed that they have so many ex-Olympians and ex-internationals in their ranks and it is truly refreshing to note that these players willingly and freely give back to hockey what they have acquired over their playing years. The efforts of the others who helped support the cast are also not to be overlooked.
Terence Rajasingham.